A New York judge sentenced Harvey Weinstein to 23 years in prison for rape and sexual assault on Wednesday, March 11, bringing an end to a high-profile case in which the disgraced movie mogul was accused of using his influence to take advantage of throngs of women. Considering Weinstein's clout, many wondered if this day would ever come. Following the sentencing, many in the entertainment world rejoiced. Click through to see how celebrities are reacting to the sentencing.
"To all the women who had that sickening feeling of having to choose between preserving their careers vs speaking out against their abuser, and who managed to find their voice, thank you. To those who chose otherwise, you're loved & supported too. #Weinstein" –Megyn Kelly
"We all owe a debt of gratitude to @RonanFarrow @jodikantor and @mega2e for their investigative reporting on Weinstein for the @NewYorker and the @nytimes. You're extraordinary journalists and women around the world are better and safer as a result of your work." –Padma Lakshmi
"23 years. Harvey Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for his crimes of rape and sexual assault. I literally cried tears of amazement, gratitude that the justice system has worked on behalf of all of his victims today." –Mira Sorvino
"The Weinstein sentence reminds us of the importance of those sources and of leaders at news organizations who refused to kill the story—including the editors at the New Yorker who published the first allegations of rape and assault about Weinstein. In a letter to the judge this week, Weinstein's attorneys said that reporting 'destroyed' his life. In fact, it fairly parsed a mountain of evidence suggesting Weinstein's actions accomplished that. I hope it encourages more people to speak and more outlets to back tough stories." –Ronan Farrow
"Thank you @RoArquette @rosemcgowan @MiraSorvino and all the Whistleblowers in the Weinstein case who put their careers and reputations at risk to help clear the way to know the horrible acts Harvey has done. Thank you to all the brave victims. @RonanFarrow" –Patricia Arquette
"Gratitude to all the silence breakers especially Rose and all survivors of weinstein to the brave women who testified and to the incredible investigative reporting of Ronan farrow who uncovered the sabotage and spying and to david Remnick thank you Rich McKuen and ny times." –Rosanna Arquette
"Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years in jail! Congratulations to the incredible women who took this monster on, in spite of how maliciously he retaliated. You have made a huge leap forward for all women with this victory. Also so much love to @RonanFarrow" –Jameela Jamil
"Wow- I hope our sisters – who showed so much courage feel a bit of justice /vindication – knowing a rich powerful man hasn't rigged & beaten system" —John Cusack
"JUSTICE for #SilenceBreakers and survivors of sexual abuse everywhere. This is only the beginning. #TimesUp" –Amber Tamblyn
"To the brave women who are survivors of harvey weinstein's repugnant crimes — both those who were vocal publicly & those who suffered in silence. YOU -along with the journalists who covered the story, #metoo + #timesup have changed the course of future histories. THANK YOU. " –Monica Lewinsky
"23yrs!!! Convicted and Sentenced! Today the world shifted that much more for justice! May my dear friend Annabella Sciorra and all these brave women continue to heal and finally find some peace with this victory! #HarveyWeinsteinGuilty" –Rosie Perez
"Seeing Weinstein's sentence today reminds me of the story of the judge who sentences an old man to 20 years in jail
The old man says 'I shall die before I get out'
The judge says, very kindly, 'Well, just do as many as you can'" –John Cleese
"TWENTY THREE YEARS ! #byeHARVEY #GodBlessAmerica" –Rosie O'Donnell
"For every sentenced harvey there are a zillion un-sentenced harveys. BELIEVE VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ABUSE. many of them haven't found their voice yet – it is our duty to create space for these people to heal by seeking justice and allowing their stories to provoke change. BE AN ALLY." –Hayley Williams
"To the 6 brave women who relived their trauma…Mimi Haleyi Jessica Mann Annabella Sciorra Dawn Dunning Lauren Young Tarale Wulff, thank you you for you strength and perseverance." –Ellen Barkin
"23 years in prison for Harvey Weinstein. justice is served." –Jodie Turner-Smith
"My heart goes out to all the woman who came forward. A couple of these women I've known and appreciate as actresses but to see their strength through all this is just so inspiring." –Vincent D'Onofrio
"Harvey Weinstein Is Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison. Thoughts with every courageous women who, knowing the risks, dared to come forward to speak their truth." –Mia Farrow