Courtney Love has been named Elle Magazine UK's "Woman of the Year." This raises a few questions like, what kind of cool stuff has Courtney been doing in England? And why don't we know about any of it? (Socialite Life)
Wild child pop star Lily Allen says she's settled down now and spends most of her time playing Scrabble and fact-checking her Wikipedia page. Except for the times when she's really, really drunk. (NY Times)
Gurkha Cigars has offered pot-smoking Olympic champion Michael Phelps $25,000 to shill for their products. Think about it, Phelps. Cheech and Chong have made good money off embracing their smoker personas. (TMZ)
After a halfhearted first attempt, Miley Cyrus is back with yet another non-apology to Asians. For the last time, if you were offended by her racist photo she is sorry you are so sensitive. (US)