Jessica Biel
After a childhood of modeling gigs for Limited Too and local theater, Jessica Biel made her TV debut in a '90s Pringles commercial. It took three spring trips to Hollywood for pilot season before the then 14 year old was cast on 7th Heaven. The following year her first feature film, Ulee's Gold, paired her with legend Peter Fonda. After losing an American Beauty role to Thora Birch, she blamed her squeaky-clean image and lashed out with a raunchy spread in defunct lad mag Gear. The shoot, which she admitted regretting later, led to a scale down of the part and the preacher's daughter was free to do films (Blade:Trinity, hit remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and attend Tufts University for three semesters. The Sexiest Woman Alive (according to Esquire in 2005), who idolized soccer player Mia Hamm, has found a lot of work being the pretty face (Valentine's Day, Hitchcock) and the kickass heroine (Next, The A-Team and Total Recall). She occasionally gets to spread her wings in drama (The Illusionist) or comedy (TV's Family Guy). While her good looks may keep her from the meatiest parts, they certainly help in her personal life. After dating actor Chris Evans and Yankee Derek Jeter, she made love sounds with Justin Timberlake after being linked at a Golden Globes party in 2007. J-squared separated in March 2011 amid romantic rumors about Mila Kunis, but they got their sexy back by August and were married in Italy Oct. 19, 2012.